Widnes Loops junction work due to start

May 7, 2019

Work is due to start next week at  the Widnes Loops junction which provides  access from the Mersey Gateway to West Bank Widnes and A557 Widnes Eastern Bypass.

The scheme involves the installation of a signal controlled junction to replace the Waterloo Road / Victoria Road / Hutchinson Street roundabout and constructing a permanent link to Widnes Loops Junction.

In order to carry out these works, the temporary link which currently provides access to Waterloo Road and Victoria Road, will be closed from Wednesday 15 May.

Alternative routes and diversion will be signposted for access to and from Waterloo Road /Victoria Road and to/from the Mersey Gateway Bridge.

Access remains to and from the Mersey Gateway Bridge for A557 Widnes Eastern Bypass towards the M62 , Widnes town centre and The Hive.

The closure is expected to remain in place until  completion of the  works in Spring 2020. The new permanent link will provide improved access from West Bank to the Mersey Gateway and the bypass, and help maximise the regeneration, economic and transport benefits of the new bridge to the area.

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