If you live, work or play in Runcorn and Widnes you are invited to take part in ‘A Life in a Day: Bridge Takeover’ – a journey across the Silver Jubilee Bridge on Saturday 26 June, 12 noon – 6pm.
Residents can sign up to cross the iconic bridge in the company of a giant pram, a wedding cavalcade, or some wild senior citizens astride enormous shopping trolleys, as part of an event created by one of the UK’s leading outdoor arts companies Walk the Plank, in collaboration with local people.
Commissioned by Halton Borough Council, in partnership with ArtReach, as part of the Halton’s Borough of the Culture 2021 programme, the free event gives people a chance to get together safely with friends and family outdoors…and do something extraordinary right in the middle of the Silver Jubilee Bridge
“The ongoing risk of COVID restrictions means we have taken a different approach to planning this celebration,” said Liz Pugh, Creative Producer.
“Instead of crowds of spectators who turn up on the day to watch, there will be no audience. Instead we invite you to sign up to participate…and choose which time of life best suits your circumstances! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to tango with your best friend, do a wheelie on your BMX or get the Instagram post of the year… from the middle of the world’s best bridge!”
Participants will make the crossing over the bridge in seven different sections, with friends and families of all different ages, interests and backgrounds. The whole afternoon will be shaped like a lifetime – with each hour representing different moments in our lives:
12 Noon – The Big Pram Push: Stroll across the Bridge with your babies and tiny toddlers.
Organisers are especially interested in anyone born in 2021, midwives who are delivering babies in 2021, or expectant parents. Take a picture of your bump on the Bridge as part of your journey!
1pm – Children on scooters, trikes and tiny bikes: Come for a family day out with your children over 3 years old and join workshops in advance to pimp your bikes. Bring your own scooter, trike, or tiny toy electric cars and we’ll wave the chequered flag to get your race over the bridge underway.
2pm – Teenage takeover 12 – 16 years: Skaters, BMX bikers, martial arts experts, athletes, e-scooter riders, cyclists and roller skaters are all welcome to scoot/skate/cycle/wheelie across the Bridge!
3pm – Fabulous Fashion Parade: fashion conscious 18-25 year olds: Looking for something memorable to do with your friends? Totter across the bridge in your highest heels or dress up like it is Ladies Day at the Races. There will be makeup and hair stations on site so come and get your look in place before you get that perfect Instagram shot!
4pm – Growing up, getting hitched – 30/40’s, burdened with kit: Calling all local brides and grooms, grooms and grooms, brides and brides…or those for whom the wedding day is now a distant memory as you are burdened with mortgage, debt and children! Do you own a campervan or caravan or want to come on a family friendly bike ride? Wheelchair users and their families are also invited in this or any other section.
5pm – Midlife crisis: Calling anyone and everyone who’s enjoying a new lease of life in their 50’s/60’s …. You’ve got a new hairdo, or a new Harley Davidson, or a new lover – come and show off on the bridge!
6pm – Slowing down but not stopping: An invitation to elders to join with their dogs, husbands and wives, mobility scooters or grandchildren.
Everyone is invited – to get involved contact Laura on participate@walktheplank.co.uk or 07902548547 and leave your details so that we can sign you up and share details for the day.
Walk the Plank has been making work with communities in public space for nearly thirty years. Previous events include Manchester Day Parade (annual since 2010) and Liverpool’s 08 Capital of Culture Opening; as well as numerous commissions for festivals and civic celebrations across the UK and beyond.
Councillor Paul Nolan, Halton Borough Council’s portfolio holder for Culture and Leisure Services, said: “After everything we have gone through this year, we’re delighted that we can open up the Silver Jubilee Bridge to local residents and bring people together. Participants will get a chance to celebrate the easing of lockdown by doing something together with friends and family outdoors. We hope the event will give them memories that last a lifetime.”
Sign up: Contact Laura on participate@walktheplank.co.uk or 07902548547
Hashtag: #BridgeTakeover
Website: www.walktheplank.co.uk/project/life-day-halton-bridge-takeover/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BridgeTakeover