Halton Borough Council is excited to announce it is starting two Reading Friends Groups,  from our libraries.

They bring people together to read, share stories, meet new friends and have fun.

Library staff use reading – whether books, magazines, newspapers, or anything else – to start everyone chatting.

There are two groups starting in February

The first group is a weekly virtual group meeting on Microsoft Teams
Starting on Tuesday 23 February at 2pm

The second group is for people over 60 and will run weekly as a phone conversation.
Starting on Wednesday 24th February at 10.30 am

If people are interested in joining these groups or would like further information, they can contact Halton lea Library 0151 511 7744.

Reading Friends is a nationwide programme developed by The Reading Agency and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The programme is delivered in partnership with organisations across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Reading Friends is an intergenerational programme that empowers, and connects people experiencing loneliness by starting conversations through reading.


#During the COVID-19 crisis, journalists, critics and publishers have presented lockdown as the perfect time to read.

Online reading groups have emerged, publishers have run ‘COVID-19’ reading lists, and scholarly groups have established close reading activities.


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