Halton Borough Council’s Children’s Centres ran an Easter Bonnet competition with a difference during the Easter holidays!

As children’s centre staff were unable to invite parents and children into the centres this year, they made sure the competition could still go ahead by using social media.

Claire Pentin, Children’s Centres Principal Manager, said: â€śIt was lovely to see all the effort made by the parents and children during this difficult time. A great credit to everyone who took part, it certainly put a smile on our faces.”

The prize-winners, who were given an Easter egg and a Book Start gift set, were:

Frankie Bellew – aged four, Imogen Hall – two, Jesse Tyson – three, Seren Carroll – two,
Robyn Lindley – five, Roman Hayes – three, Sebastian Foulstone – five, Bella-Lou Neal – two.

Although the children’s centres are not physically open, staff are working very hard behind the scenes to engage with families in alternative ways and ensure they have the support they require during this difficult time.

The children’s centres continue to share daily post of activities and useful information on their Facebook pages.

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